Thursday, February 26, 2015

Plum Paper Planner Review

So I received my Plum Paper Planner about two weeks ago, and wanted to use it for a bit before reviewing it. I will be sharing what I love about this planner and what I think about it overall.

Truly Custom Planners

So when you go to their Etsy shop, you will see all kinds of planners: Family Planners, Student Planners, Wedding Planners, Notebooks, Regular Planners, Horizontal Planners and more! & from there you can customize it even more! You can choose the layout of your weekly pages. They have all kinds of options for the regular planner with the Morning, Afternoon,
& Evening section, timed sections, blank lines with a checklist and more! See the image below for those options.


Plum Paper offers a variety of covers! You can customize your name on it as well. The cover is a thick cardstock paper with a frosted clear cover over it. 

Family Planner

Now what really made me happy was their family planner! I absolutely love that I can write in my own sections for my weekly planner! If you've seen how i plan, I always separate my planning by category. I typically use a daily planner and separate it by Home, Kids, & Personal. But now that I have a blog to run, and an etsy shop, I totally needed more space & more categories. The Plum Paper Planner was perfect for that. Their family planner has 7 sections! I can plan according to each category!

The categories I chose were:
  • Home - for cleaning & organizing
  • Family - for things my husband has to do or things I want to do with my kids
  • Errands - for places to go, errands to run
  • Work - for my etsy shop, I put work instead of etsy in case my job changes in the future
  • Blog - for all things I need to do for my blog
  • Meals - to keep track of what we eat, or plan to eat
  • Memories - to write down little memories from our day to look back on and remember

It was hard to remember all of my sections when I folded over my planner. As you can see below, there are no labels on the second half of the week. I had to either plan with my planner all open or keep flipping it to remember. I am sure I will remember which section is which after planning it in more though! 

Add Ons

Another great feature of the Plum Paper Planners are their add on sections! I love that you can add so much to your planner for a very small price too! You can add to do lists throughout your planner for every month, perfect for big projects you'd like to accomplish for that month. I added a home section and a blog section! They are tabbed in the back of the planner! It is so perfect for when I need to reference any expenses or write down little memories from my day in. I love the blog section because I can now track how many views & followers I get every week, and keep track of so much more with maintaining a blog. You can learn more about their sections by clicking on the links below. Here is a list of all their add-ons:

Other Add-Ons:
  • To Do List Pages Dispersed
  • Sticker Sheets
  • Extra Checklist Pages
  • Checklist Pages Dispersed
  • Extra Notes Pages
  • Additional Months
  • Monthly Bill Tracker
  • Monthly cleaning Chart
  • Extra Contacts Pages
  • Extra Student Contacts Pages
  • Extra Direct Sales Party Planning Pages
Here are some images from their site of what's in the home section!

I use my shopping list pages for keeping track of all my expenses for my business. I use another page for all of my planner related purchases as well.

Monthly View

I love the wide boxes of the monthly pages. They have a section on the side for birthdays, events and notes.  All the tabs are laminated as well!

 UPDATE: I just realized that after each month there is a repeated weekly page. I was confused at first when I turned to march, but then realized it's probably this way since they offer different starting months. Twice the decorating if you ever mess up on the last or first week of the month! 

Pages & Decorating

The pages of this planner are sooooo smooth! They are thick and makes writing on them so luxurious. I literally couldn't stop gliding my hand over the pages when I first got it. They make writing in your planner so easy. & no need to worry about bleeding through!

The colors of the planner are a bit darker than I'd like for some months. February is a maroon color, but March is a bright green. I just like bright and fun colors, but that's just my opinion. There is little space for washi tape, so I bought a bunch of skinny washi to make do! The grey lines also makes it harder to decorate. I wish there was an option for no lines, because sometimes I like to write big and with the lines there it makes it hard to do that. But nothing that stickers can't fix! I bought some rounded box stickers from NicoleHutchDesigns on etsy that fit this planner perfectly!

In the back of the planner there are some glossy rectangular stickers that fit your planner boxes perfectly. They were a bit hard to write on with a gel pen, but I just used a sharpie instead.


In the back there are only a few notes pages, but you really don't need a lot since they have so many add on options anyways! I personally never use my notes pages as I like pre-printed forms and such !

They also include a contacts page, all the holidays, special dates page by month for birthdays and anniversaries, a yearly calendar & a sturdy keep it together double sided pocket folder.

So that is the Plum Paper Planner! After add-ons and such it can cost about $50. It is such a useful and well planned planner. I love how I can use every part of this planner and not just for weekly planning. I have utilized the shopping lists, cleaning lists, to do lists for projects, and so much in this planner already! I really love how customized it can be and it really is perfect! It has made planning my days so much more productive and keeping track of my work and blog has never been easier. i love that it is all one place! 
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

SIlhouette Print & Cut Tutorial Series: Registration Marks, Getting Perfect Cuts & Other Common Problems

Some days your Silhouette is working perfectly fine, the next it decides to shift its cut lines or not register the marks at all! It can be very frustrating and makes you want to pull your hair out or toss out the whole machine! Well today I am going to show you some tricks and tips in troubleshooting your cutter.

Registration Marks

For Registration mark reading OR print & cut misalignment issues go to Silhouette's FAQ page here:


If you've seen my previous tutorial, you'll know that you have to set your registration marks to print onto your paper before cutting. This is what it uses to read and know where to cut.

Many people have problems where their cuts are slightly off. I have had this problem happen to me so many times!

Make sure when you print that there is nothing blocking any of the marks or the sensor. My computer sometimes prints a glitch over the marks and it won't read and will just be a waste! My printer also sometimes jams and the marks would be printed crooked or folded over and i would have to toss that out as well!


 If the lighting in your room isn't bright and in order for your machine to read the registration marks and cut right it is recommended that you put a lamp or some kind of light when you are cutting. The machine uses a laser to read the marks and when you have more light over the sensor it can better read your marks and know exactly where to cut.

Having an even & bright light over the sensor also makes your cuts more accurate.

Sometimes sticker paper can get stuck under the laser and won't read at all. To get that off just use a q-tip and slide it under until the paper is out!

Getting Perfect Kiss Cuts

Problem: You thought you had the perfect kiss cut settings, but still it decides to cut all the way through and you're then left with hundreds of tiny stickers that you have peel off the mat! So annoying right?! You have lowered your blade to 1 & it still makes your stickers cut through?

Solution: Instead of lowering your blade try messing with the thickness settings instead.  Don’t set it too high,  start lower and gradually move the setting up as you go.

In the cut settings you'll see a test cut button after you've changed your settings just click it and it will cut a small triangle and square at the top. Then unload it and try peeling it to see if it cut through or kiss cut.

If it still isn't good then change your settings again move the test cut arrow to the left a bit and do another test cut and keep doing that until you get a perfect cut! Lowering the thickness or raising it can really make a difference whether you have stickers that are cutting through or not cutting enough!


Problem: Your mat is too sticky and curls your sticker paper when you peel it off.

Solution: to desticky your mat try getting a clean t-shirt and pat it down a few times to remove some of the stickiness.

When peeling your sticker sheet off the mat, try flipping it upside down first and then peel the mat up and away while holding down the paper instead.

Or you can just buy the light hold mat from Silhouette. I personally love the light hold mats. They are perfect for sticker paper and it makes peeling my stickers off so much easier. Though they do last only for a month or so, but I enjoy the easiness of it so it's worth it to me. Just be sure to always put the cover back on the mat after using it and you can extend the life of your mats!

Intricate Cuts

Problem: When cutting smaller detailed stickers, the cuts seems to jumble up in between and look very messy

Solution: Go to cut settings and change the speed to a lower setting. Lowering your speed on a cut can give you a much cleaner cut.

More Help

If you’ve tried all of these tips and settings and nothing works for you you may want to try these options:

Packet Size:
Adjusting the packet size can help with the flow of communication from the computer to the machine. To change the packet size follow the steps below:
  1. Launch the silhouette studio software
  2. Go to silhouette studio or file and click preferences
  3. Select Advanced
  4. On the bottom right hand side you will see a column that says packet size, it should currently be at Auto (1000 bytes)
  5. Adjust the packet size setting to 500
  6. then click apply

Clear Silhouette Software Preferences:
  1. Close the software
  2. Go to the folder: C: > Users > my_User_name > AppData > Roaming > com.aspexsoftware_Studio
  3. Delete the bolded "com.aspex.." folder noted above
  4. Restart the software

Update your Software

You can find the latest software here, try re-downloading it for your computer and see if that helps!

I had so much trouble getting my new cameo to cut right on my OLD OLD macbook and I did everything to fix it. I ended up just connecting it to my iMac instead and it started cutting perfectly! So maybe my old computer couldn't handle the software? I don't know, but it worked so unfortunately I can't use my old laptop unless I upgrade its ram or something. 

Last Resort:

If all else fails try calibrating your machine...

"Calibrating the Silhouette is only required for adjusting the cutting alignment as it relates to print & cut jobs. Calibration should only be performed if there are concerns specifically encountered with cut lines not aligning with the contour of printed images during print & cut jobs that use Registration Marks.

If misalignment is not universally the same distance off around the entire image, then calibration is not the proper course of action and further information about setting up print & cut files should be reviewed. If misalignment is universally the same distance off around the entire image and all steps for proper set up of a print & cut file has been reviewed, then you may proceed with the process of calibrating the Silhouette."

you can go here to find out how to calibrate your machine properly.

If there's anything else you'd like me to address please comment below! I hope this helps you out! I still get little problems where the settings switch up on me, and just when I think everything's going great my stickers cut off or cut through! But following these tips and tricks with help from Silhouette's support and from members of the Facebook Group - Silhouette Loves EC group, has helped me tons!

Daily Checklists & Week On One Page Planner Inserts

In an attempt to reevaluate my  planner system and start new habits along with my new schedule, I created this daily checklist with the weekly view on one page. This insert is perfect for people who has to do the same tasks every day and instead of writing it down every day you can now just check it off. It is great for routines and/or creating habits. I have two toddlers and it is so important to stick with a scheduled routine with them to avoid tantrums and whining. Since starting to plan with this new schedule of ours, both my kids and myself know what to expect and what we have to do everyday. I have been able to get so much done as well! On the weekly view I just write down places I have to go for that day, or important events or appointments. On the 2nd page, I write down my weekly goals, tracking - to keep track of my expenses for the week, but you can use it to track anything else as well, and notes for other miscellaneous tasks I need to remember for the following week.

So here is what my customized version looks like, the ones for download below will be blank instead. 
& this is what it looks like partially filled out! and decorated! You can use stickers to put the dates in or just write it in. I used my tiny hearts from my etsy shop to write down the dates.


If you are having trouble printing this printable, I have found through many other readers that it prints out in actual size better if you first download the file directly onto your computer first, then opening and printing that file from there. be sure to print at 100% or actual size and use these instructions to see how I print my inserts!

If you do end up using these I would love to see pictures. Tag me on Instagram @wenduhh_plans or #mswenduhhblog Please do NOT share the actual file or file link. Instead please send your friends here to download my free printables, thank you.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Free Printable Stickers: Icon Labels for Planning

I love to use icons to make certain events stand out in my planner. I made these sets to do just that! I also mess up a lot when I plan so I like to cover up my mistakes with labels. You can use these icon labels to write down your lists and help you remember what's going on in your life. 

Stickers included in this printable are:
  • Small Labels
    • Briefcase - for work related tasks (hours, meetings etc.)
    • Cleaning - for house chores
    • Money - for writing in your payday amounts or money spent
    • Piggy Bank - for writing how much money you've saved
    • Credit Card - for writing how much you've spend on your credit card or to track when you've made a bill payment
    • Weights - to write down your workout or keep track of your gym payments
    • Shopping Cart - to write down where you will go shopping or when
    • Books - for all those chapters you need to read or study for school, or book you want to read
    • House - for any house related tasks/projects or mortgage or rent payments
  • Larger Labels 
    • Mail - to keep track of letters to write to penpals, or packages coming in the mail
    • Car - for places you have to go to for the day
    • Computer/Bills - if you pay for bills online, this one's great to make a list of all the bills you are paying for online!
    • Shopping Bag - for making a list of things you need or want to buy
    • Clock - for writing down what appointment you have and at what time

These are for PERSONAL USE only! Print as many as you'd like! If you do end up using these I would love to see pictures. Tag me on Instagram @wenduhh_plans or #mswenduhhblog Please do NOT share the actual file or file link. Instead please send your friends here to download my free printables, thank you.

Icons are from
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Free Printable Stickers: Watercolor Squares for Erin Condren Planners

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted a freebie so today I wanted to share with you these watercolor squares and half squares! My watercolor checklists and flags sticker set was so popular that I had to make some squares that fit the Erin Condren planner as well! I hope you enjoy these rounded rectangles! You can use it to decorate your planner, write quotes or events in them, or however you may want to use them. 

& Here is the matching set of stickers available in my etsy shop!

Click here to see how to turn these into stickers!

& How to Make Kiss Cut Stickers Without a Machine!

These are for PERSONAL USE only. If you do end up using these I would love to see pictures. Tag me on Instagram @wenduhh_plans or #mswenduhhblog Please do NOT share the actual file or file link. Instead please send your friends here to download my free printables, thank you.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Similac Strong Moms Giveaway! Picture Perfect Prize Worth Over $15,000!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Similac® StrongMoms® for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hi everyone! Today I would like to introduce you to this wonderful program that every mom or mom-to-be should join! The Similac StrongMoms program & right now they are having a huge sweepstakes!
Similac StrongMoms is hosting an amazing sweepstakes giveaway- the Strong Moms Giveaway !
A super lucky mom will win the "Capturing Memories from Bump to Baby" GRAND PRIZE worth over $15,000. You will have everything you need to be sure to capture every little moment with your little one(s). Plus over 300 moms will win fabulous prizes through the instant win game. See rules here.
Giveaway: Dates 12/2 – 2/16
Hurry and enter now! You can enter daily from now until the 16th for your chance to win the instant prizes!
Grand Prize includes:
  • 3 Professional Photo Shoots
  • Canon® EOS Camera and Lens Kit
  • A GoPro® Hero 3 Camera
  • A 13-inch MacBook
  • Adobe Photoshop® Elements 12 and Adobe Premiere® Elements 12
  • Beginnings Baby Record Book
  • $500 Shutterfly® Gift Card
  • $500 Pickles & Ice Cream® Gift Cards
  • Medela® Pump in Style Breast Pump
  • A What to Expect When You’re Expecting® Book Set
Over 300 lucky moms will instantly win these prizes below:
  • Similac® Prenatal Vitamins
  • Similac® for Supplementation Formula
  • Shutterfly® Gift Cards
  • Snoogle® Full Body Pillows
  • Beginnings Baby Record Book
  • Medela® Pump in Style Breast Pump
  • A What to Expect When You’re Expecting® Book Set
In addition to this giveaway, by joining Similac StrongMoms you will receive so much helpful information tips & more including:
  • Nutritional guidance for a healthy pregnancy
  • Emails with tips and tools
  • Infant formula savings, samples and partner offers
  • Great Nutrition information for mom and baby, along with check lists, tools, like the diaper decoder and tummy trouble tool are all available through the program/website.
I absolutely love the prizes for this giveaway. I don't know what I would do without my camera and I wish I had a GoPro to capture all of the crazy things my boys have done. They move fast and they grow even faster. Join Similac StrongMoms for your own chance to capture and treasure all of these memories with your child(ren)!
Take a look below at some of my memories with my children!
With these prizes you'll be able to capture them all beautifully and make holiday cards and books with the shutterfly gift card!

Pierce's First Birthday Book from Shutterfly

Jax as a newborn

Our Family Photo in 2013

Pierce's First Trip to the Beach

Pumpkin Patch with my boys!

Pierce's First Christmas

Snow Trip
Visit Sponsors Site


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